Contact our legal team

برای ترجمه فارسی اینجا را کلیک کنید

If you’ve looked through the legal resources and still have questions, please reach out.

Fill out our confidential form, and our legal team will respond to your question. Be thorough. Please note that due to the high volume of requests we receive, there may be a delay in our response. If you qualify for direct representation and we’re able to help, we will schedule an appointment with you. It’s best that the person seeking advice or services contact us directly.


Inquiry on behalf of:
Inquirer’s name
Non-citizen’s First Name:
Non-citizen’s Last Name
Country of origin of non-citizen
Current Country:
Trans Designation:
Sexual Orientation:
HIV Status:
Is the non-citizen currently detained?
Is the non-citizen part of a binational couple?
Are there children in your family?
Please check if your household’s combined annual income is below $31,000.